Sunday 6 April 2014

Humerous Tee Shirts, On Zazzle

Humour seems to be a major selling point on Zazzle for a number of products, if I can judge by the number of products on sale. So here are a few more tee-shirts with text-based humour. I do keep trying to increase my portfolio of products even though sales are not as successful as I know that some people claim they can be. I guess it is all down to promotion, my designs can't be that bad.

Too many cooks, ladies' t-shirt
Too many cooks, ladies' t-shirt by artyfax
Check out other Humour T-Shirts at

LUV TO SHOP, ladies' t-shirt
LUV TO SHOP, ladies' t-shirt by artyfax
See more Humour T-Shirts at

Don't Ask, men's tee shirt
Don't Ask, men's tee shirt by artyfax
Design your own custom t shirts at